59 research outputs found

    Advanced Memristor Modeling

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    The investigation of new memory schemes, neural networks, computer systems and many other improved electronic devices is very important for future generations of electronic circuits and for their widespread application in all the areas of industry. Relatedly, the analysis of new efficient and advanced electronic elements and circuits is an essential field of highly developed electrical and electronic engineering. The resistance-switching phenomenon, observed in many amorphous oxides, has been investigated since 1970 and is promising for inclusion in technologies for constructing new electronic memories. It has been established that such oxide materials have the ability to change their conductance in accordance to the applied voltage and memorizing their state for a long time interval. Similar behavior was predicted for the memristor element by Leon Chua in 1971. The memristor was proposed in accordance with symmetry considerations and the relationships between the four basic electric quantities—electric current i, voltage v, charge q and flux linkage Ψ. The memristor is a passive one-port element, together with the capacitor, inductor and resistor. The Williams Hewlett Packard (HP) research group has made a link between resistive switching devices and the memristor proposed by Chua. In addition, a number of scientific papers related to memristors and memristor devices have been issued and several models for them have been proposed. The memristor is a highly nonlinear component. It relates the electric charge q and the flux linkage Ψ, expressed as a time integral of the voltage v. It has the important capability of remembering the electric charge passing through its cross-section, and its respective resistance, when the electrical signals are switched off. Due to its nano-scale dimensions, non-volatility and memorizing properties, the memristor is a sound potential candidate for applications in high-density computer memories, artificial neural networks, and many other electronic devices


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    The basic purpose of the present paper is to propose an extended investigation and computer analysis of an anti-parallel memristor circuit with two equivalent memristor elements with different initial values of the state variables using a modified Boundary Condition Memristor (BCM) Model and the finite differences method. The memristor circuit is investigated for sinusoidal supply current at different magnitudes – for soft-switching and hard-switching modes, respectively. The influence of the initial values of the state variables on the circuit’s behaviour is presented as well. The equivalent i-v and memristance-flux and the other important relationshipsof the memristor circuit are also analyzed.Podstawowym celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaproponowanie rozszerzonego badania i komputerowej analizy przeciwrównoległego układu memrystorowego z dwoma równoważnymi elementami memrystorowymi o różnych wartościach początkowych zmiennych stanu z wykorzystaniem zmodyfikowanego modelu Boundary Condition Memristor (BCM) i metody różnic skończonych. Obwód memrystorowy jest badany dla sinusoidalnego prądu zasilania o różnych wielkościach – odpowiednio dla trybów miękkiego przełączania i twardego przełączania. Przedstawiono również wpływ wartości początkowych zmiennych stanu na zachowanie obwodu. Analizowane są również równoważne charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe zależność między memrystancją i strumieniem magnetycznym oraz inne ważne cechy obwodu memrystora


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    The main idea of the present research is to propose a new nonlinear ionic drift memristor model suitable for computer simulations of memristor elements for different voltages. For this purpose, a modified Biolek window function with a voltage-dependent exponent is applied. The proposed modified memristor model is based on Biolek model and due to this and to the use of a voltage-dependent positive integer exponent in the modified Biolek window function it has a new improved property - changing the model nonlinearity extent dependent on the integer exponent in accordance with the memristor voltage. Several computer simulations were made for soft-switching and hard-switching modes and also for pseudo-sinusoidal alternating voltage with an exponentially increasing amplitude and the respective basic important time diagrams, state-flux and i-v relationships are established.Główną ideą niniejszej pracy jest zaproponowanie nowego modelu nieliniowego dryfu jonowego, odpowiedniego do komputerowych symulacji elementów memrystorowych dla różnych napięć. W tym celu stosowana jest zmodyfikowana funkcja okna Biolek z wykładnikiem zależnym od napięcia. Zaproponowany zmodyfikowany model memrystora oparty jest na modelu Biolek i dzięki temu oraz zastosowaniu zależnego od napięcia dodatniego współczynnika całkowitego w zmodyfikowanej funkcji okna Biolek ma on nową ulepszoną właściwość - zmieniając nieliniową zależność modelu od wykładnika całkowitego zgodnie z napięciem memrystora. Przeprowadzono kilka symulacji komputerowych dla trybów przełączania miękkiego i twardego, a także dla pseudo-sinusoidalnego napięcia przemiennego z wykładniczo rosnącą amplitudą i ustalono odpowiednie podstawowe wykresy czasowe, i zależności stan-strumień oraz prądowo-napięciowe

    Gender influence in perception and adoption of e-learning platforms

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    The main objective of this study is to examine gender differences and the adoption of technology in higher education students. TAM model is the tool used to measure the acceptance and use of e-learning of the respondents. We used Partial Least Squares (PLS), specifically, the PLS multi-group analysis was used to compare differences between groups. In summary, results show that students’ behavior of acceptance of elearning technology do not manifest statistically significant differences between women and men

    The asynchronous rapid single-flux quantum electronics – a promising alternative for the development of high-performance digital circuits

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    In this paper, we investigate the application of the asynchronous logic approach for the realization of ultra highspeed digital electronics with high complexity. We evaluate the possible physical, technological, and schematical origins of restrictions limiting such an application, and propose solutions for their overcoming. Although our considerations are based on the rapid single-flux quantum technique, the conclusions derived can be generalized about any type of digital information coding